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Doubt: Live It Out
Creating a safe space for asking questions, expressing concerns, and seeking truth is paramount for building lifelong, life-altering faith. As a family, brainstorm new ways you can make this happen in your home. In addition, the “I don’t know, but…” mentality can really transform our view of and attitude toward doubts and questions. Prayerfully ask God to illuminate how you can better walk with your child(ren) in their faith journeys and offer guidance  that can’t be found through Google or their friends.
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for the Action Guide, tomorrow's devo, and to learn about the free Parenting Teens Summit
Dr. Kara Powell
Dr. Powell is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) and a faculty member at Fuller Theological Seminary. Named by Christianity Today as one of "50 Women to Watch," Kara serves as a Youth and Family Strategist for Orange and also speaks regularly at parenting and leadership conferences. She is the author or co-author on many books, including Can I Ask That? and Sticky Faith.
What Is The Parenting Teens Summit?
The Parenting Teens Summit from Axis is a FREE online conference with interviews of over 50 incredible teen experts, each of which is full of guidance and wisdom for discipling your teens in the 21st century. If you desire to help your teens build lifelong faith in Jesus, don't miss this conference!
(NOTE: The current conference is not the one that features Dr. Powell's interview. See below for more info on that conference.)
See the Action Guide for this interview
Click below to view the Action Guide for Dr. Powell's entire 36-minute interview.
Read Tomorrow's Devotional
Click below to read tomorrow's devotional on how to disciple teens in today's culture, featuring John Stonestreet of The Colson Center.
The edition of The Parenting Teens Summit with Dr. Powell's interview is no longer free, but can be purchased in its entirety by clicking below! 
(Or click here to sign up for the current Parenting Teens Summit, which runs September 11-30, 2017, for free!)
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