In conjunction with the June 1 release of:
 With June 1 Release Of:
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An online conference providing practical advice from Christian leaders and authors on how to disciple your teens into lifelong faith in Jesus
      We're so glad you're here!
Why you:       
3-week online conference for parents of teens and pre-teens
Anytime, after you purchase the Lifetime Pass!
Online! So wherever you are
We all need guidance and wisdom when it comes to this whole parenting thing! Whether you’re facing issues you never thought you’d face or you’re simply anxious over the day your kids start asking for smartphones, you will learn so much from each of the 40+ experts interviewed for this Summit.
Each day, 4 videos become available for viewing (see Schedule). Each video is then available for free for 72 hours, so watch at your convenience during that window. If you miss it, you can still get access by purchasing a Lifetime Pass at a discounted price!
We’ve got you covered! The Lifetime Pass gets you access to all the interviews whenever you want forever. Plus, we’ve added in a whole bunch of other parenting goodies absolutely free!
Why you:
3-week online conference for parents of teens and pre-teens
September 11 - September 30, 2017
Online! So wherever you are
We all need guidance and wisdom when it comes to this whole parenting thing! Whether you’re facing issues you never thought you’d face or you’re simply anxious over the day your kids start asking for smartphones, you will learn so much from each of the 40+ experts interviewed for this Summit.
3-week online conference for parents of teens and pre-teens
September 11 - September 27, 2017
Online! So wherever you are
Why you:
We all need guidance and wisdom when it comes to this whole parenting thing! Whether you’re facing issues you never thought you’d face or you’re simply anxious over the day your kids start asking for smartphones, you will learn so much from each of the 40+ experts interviewed for this Summit.
How it works:
Each day, 4 videos become available for viewing (see Schedule). Each video is then available for free for 72 hours, so watch at your convenience during that window. If you miss it, you can still get access by purchasing a Lifetime Pass at a discounted price!
Can't watch them all?
We’ve got you covered! The Lifetime Pass gets you access to all the interviews whenever you want forever. Plus, we’ve added in a whole bunch of other parenting goodies absolutely free!

Can't watch them all?
Each day, 4 videos become available for viewing (see Schedule). Each video is then available for free for 72 hours, so watch at your convenience during that window. If you miss it, you can still get access by purchasing a Lifetime Pass at a discounted price!
We’ve got you covered! The Lifetime Pass gets you access to all the interviews whenever you want forever. Plus, we’ve added in a whole bunch of other parenting goodies absolutely free!
Our mission
Our Mission
To help you be the best parent possible by providing you the hope, training, and resources you need to effectively disciple your children into lifelong faith in Christ. With parenting and discipleship strategies on over 40 topics, you’ll be equipped to start conversations with your pre-teens and teens about culture, technology, politics, social media, relationships, faith, and more.
This conference focuses on three key areas of faith development:
Just as successful missionaries study a culture before going into it, effective discipleship happens when we know and understand the world our teens inhabit. The conference provides practical ways you can start conversations with your teens about their digital world and how it's influencing them.

Sometimes the biggest hindrance to discipleship is an inability to speak the same language as your teens. The Summit will help bridge this gap between you and your teens by discussing family communication strategies, involving grandparents in the mentoring process, and analyzing teen psychology.

What we love is the most important thing about us. By developing their hearts to love what's truly good, your teens will experience the flourishing that's only possible through Christ. The conference will help you see beneath the surface to underlying ideas, allowing you to have deeper, more impactful conversations before your teens leave the home.
Summit Schedule
Summit Schedule
Summit Preview
Watch Now
Monday   -   Sept. 11
Overview of Parenting Teens Summit Sessions
Allison & David of Axis
Watch this video of Allison and David overviewing all of the incredible sessions from this hope themed summit. If you haven't yet, make sure to get your free summit ticket so you can watch all of these great sessions. 
Day 1
Monday   -   Sept. 11
Hope For The Next Generation
David, Katie, & Matt of Axis
In this opening session we discuss hope for the next generation, a little bit about how Axis can help, and highlights from the upcoming Parenting Teens Summit.
Day 2
Tuesday   -   Sept. 12
What You Need 
To Know About Your Daughter’s World
Jessie Minassian
Jessie gives us insight into what teen girls are facing and how the culture is affecting their hearts and minds. She also offers tips for discipling girls through relationships, sex addictions, and identity crises.
Helping Boys Become Men & Girls Become Women
Chris Bruno
Restoration Project
Chris believes that using rites of passage to show teens how to move from childhood into adulthood is key in today’s world. In this interview, he gives advice and practical tips for how to incorporate that regardless of the age of your children.
How To Wield The Double-Edged Social Media Well

Brandon Cox
Brandon provides his insights on social media and its potential benefits and harms in family and church. He frames that social media is a tool advantageous for Christians for reaching others.
Parenting Gospel-Driven Lives

Dr. Paul David Tripp
Paul Tripp Ministries
Paul is a pastor, theologian and counselor who is passionate about helping people see how the Gospel applies to everyday life. As a father himself, he offers sound advice and practical guidance so families can live Gospel-driven lives of faith, hope, and love. 
Wednesday Sept. 13
Catch-up Day
Day 3
Thursday   -   Sept. 14
Adventures, Thin Places & Postmodernism
Duffy Robbins
Youth Ministry 
It is really hard to be hopeful in an age where morality is a question of subjectivity. Duffy reminds us of the hope of the almighty God who is the author of every individual’s story.
Your Teenager Is Not Crazy

Jeramy and Jerusha Clark
Through careful neuroscientific research, they provide an empathetic and well-researched explanation for the seemingly erratic and insensible behaviors of our children.
Confident, Capable, Connected Children
Dr. Doug Weiss
Dr. Doug speaks to the freedom individuals and families can have from addiction and how parents can raise children to be confident, capable and connected.
Spirit-Filled Parenting

Deb Weakly
Help Club for Moms
Deb brings wisdom about “spirit-filled parenting,” daily practices of good parenting, and how to be the “fun” parent. She offers an incredible tool belt of tips and tricks to pray for teens, show them love, reach their friend group, and more. 
Today is sponsored by
Day 4
Friday   -   Sept. 15
Reclaiming The Dinner Table

Sally Clarkson
The Lifegiving Table
Sally is working to reclaim dinner table conversation as the place to engage teens. She shares her practices and advice on building identity, affirmation, and critical thinking in your teens.
Loving & Authentic Relationship With Teens
Nicole Unice
She's Got Issues
Nicole is on the ministry staff at Hope Church and author of She’s
Got Issues. She writes for Relevant Magazine, Leadership Journal, and Today’s Christian Woman and speaks nationwide for retreats and leadership events.
Understanding Depression & Anxiety In Teens

Steve Arterburn
New Life Ministries
Steve takes a grace filled yet solid stance on how to parent teens when their mental health is less than ideal. He offers wisdom about prevention and how to help your children if they are struggling with anxiety or depression. 
Raising Grateful Kids

Kristen Welch
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World
Kristen is the author of Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World and the parenting blog We Are THAT Family. She is an (in)courage writer; a frequent speaker; and founder of Mercy House, a nonprofit ministry which empowers women around the globe.
Saturday   -   Sept. 16
Day 5
Race, Church, & Female Identity

Barb Roose
Beautiful Already
Barb speaks about developing loving, discipling relationships with your children by speaking identity over them. In addition, she shares how the Gospel is the hope and the answer to the challenges this generation faces. 
Be Local Before Going Global: Missions Trips & Your Family
Mark & Cathy Cornelison
Vision Trust
This dynamic duo has lived a life of ministry to meet the needs of those in poverty around the world, and they provide knowledge and insight for how we can inspire teens to live out Jesus’ command to love one another through local service and international missions.
Teens, The Screen, & Your Family

Dr. Kathy Koch
Celebrate Kids
Dr. Kathy has written an excellent book on screens and teens. She talks about technology habits within families, parents responsibilities to model practices, and why the discussion of technology focus matters.
How To Fail As A Parent

Ryan Dobson
Rebel Parenting
Ryan is an author and parent who has the ability to critique his own life as well as culture. He talks about failing as a parent and how to raise kids that can fail without falling apart. 
Sunday   -   Sept. 17
Day 6
Monday   -   Sept. 18
Raising Biblically-
Based World Changers
Craig Groeschel
Groeschel offers practical advice from his own experience as both a pastor and a parent on how parents can guide their teens towards their unique role in the kingdom of God. He stresses the importance of being physically and emotionally supportive to a generation that is stressed out and in need of guidance
Helping Your Teen Thrive In Public School
David and Kelli Pritchard
Axis Ministries
The Pritchard's, co-founders of Axis Ministries and parents of 11 children, welcome you onto the battlefield of public school, acknowledging that it’s not all that scary because you go in as a team. They offer encouragement on how to empower your kids to stand on their own regardless of where they are educated.
How To Serve The LGBT Community

Bill Henson
Lead Them Home
Bill’s heart is to see people restored through faith in Jesus Christ, and his ministry Lead Them Home specifically loves and serves the LGBTQ+ community. Bill offers a well thought, Biblical approach to restoring people who are struggling with issues of sexuality by fulfilling a balance of grace and truth. 
Connect With Your Girls In A New Way

Wynter Pitts
For Girls Like You
Wynter Pitts is the founder of For Girls Like You Magazine, a ministry to tween girls and their parents that includes a print magazine and other print and web resources.
Day 7
Tuesday   -   Sept. 19
How Parents Can Partner With The Church
Kenny & Elle Campbell
Stuff You Can Use
Kenny and Elle encourage parents to partner with the church and other adults to create a surrounding support network for their child.
Modeling Marriage To The Next Generation
Dr. Juli Slattery
Authentic Intimacy 
Dr. Julie Slattery, a clinical psychologist and the co-founder of Authentic Intimacy, has dedicated her career and personal life to helping people understand and ultimately succeed in their own marriages, as well as raise their children with a healthy view of what marriage should look like. 
How To Handle Tough Questions Without Fear
Daniel Fusco
Pastor Daniel offers tactics for handling teens’ questions, how to incorporate the Bible into areas of life that the Bible doesn’t specifically talk about (e.g. social media), how best to reach teens who have become apathetic in their faith, and the mindset we need to have when we don’t know the answers. 
Rule & Relationship: Why Parents Need Both
Bob Lepine
Family Life
Bob opens up a frank conversation challenging parents of teenagers. He presents a helpful paradigm of rule and relationship that helps parents make better decisions.
Sept. 20 - Catch-up Day
Wednesday   -   Sept. 20 Catch-up Day
Day 8
Thursday   -   Sept. 21
What Should A Grandparent Do?

Larry Fowler
Larry engaged grandparents with advice on how to relate to grandkids who are young, teenaged, local, and long distance. He gives his understanding of the Biblical role of a grandparent. 
Are You Building A Dream Or Killing It

Randy Rich
Former NFL player Randy Rich shares how sports are in many ways a good metaphor for what our relationships with God are like. He also inspires by sharing how we can experience real success in everything we do and effectively impart that to our children.
Leading As Parents When We're Not 
Jeff Anderson
Acceptable Gift
Jeff offers a balance of challenges and encouragements to parents from his expertise as an author and a parent. He reminds parents that a position of leadership is not a position of perfection.
Raising a Generation Of Prayer Warriors
Sally Burke
Moms In Prayer Int'l
Sally, President of Moms in Prayer International, helps us understand why teens might not like or understand prayer, offers tips for how to model biblical prayer, and encourages us with stories of God’s power through prayer from all over the world.
Day 9
Friday   -   Sept. 22
Apologetics & Your Teens

Michael Sherrard
Ratio Christi
Michael Sherrard, author of Relational Apologetics, encourages us to find hope in the face of an ever-changing culture. He empowers us to enter the hard conversations with our teens and to start by asking questions.
Building A Diverse Community

David Bailey
David is the founder of Arrabon; a ministry that equips churches and nonprofits with the tools and resources to shepherd their community from aspirational values regarding diversity along racial, ethnic, and class divisions towards an embodied practice.
Messy Grace: Loving People Where They Are
Caleb Kaltenbach
Messy Grace
Caleb provides a unique perspective to the conversation of same-sex attraction for parents. He maintains that the most important thing a parent can do for their child, regardless of the issue, is to be present in their lives.
Engaging Teens With The Bible

Lauren and Michael McAfee
Hobby Lobby & Museum of the Bible
Lauren worked for her father Steve Green as he founded Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC. Her passion and extensive knowledge are on full display as they offer insightful and challenging advice to parents on what it means to raise kids in the Word of God. 
Day 10
Saturday   -   Sept. 23
Build Kids Who Are Ready For The City

Daniel Hyun
The Village Church
As a pastor and church planter, Daniel Hyun has sound advice for raising communities that are multicultural savvy and equipped to talk about some of the key issues that are facing our churches and families today. He shares about how this cultural moment is an opportunity to show the world the uniting power of Christ. 
How To Be A Missional Parent

Helen Lee
The Missional Mom
Helen Lee is the author of The Missional Mom and director of marketing at InterVarsity Press. She has also served as co-editor and contributor of Growing Healthy Asian-American Churches and has authored many articles and posts for organizations.
Discipline & Your Teenagers

Jim & Lynne Jackson
Connected Families
Jim and Lynne, founders of Connected Families, share wisdom about how to discipline children and the four messages that parents need to know to communicate to their kids in the disciplinary process. 
Diversity In Families & the Church
Trillia Newbell
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
In an engaging and uplifting conversation, Trillia shares insight on developing a love for the diversity that God has created in our world. She talks about how we can love our neighbors when your neighbors seems so very different from us.
Sept. 24 - Sabbath
Sunday   -   Sept. 24
Day 11
Parenting Simply & Sincerely
Katy McCown
She Laughs
Katy McCown, wife of NFL quarterback Luke McCown, talks candidly and humorously about parenting six kids, setting goals in an ever-changing life, and focusing on God’s purposes every day instead of regretting yesterday and worrying about tomorrow. 
Loving The Life You Have
Karen Ehman
Listen, Love, Repeat
Karen is a Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker and New York Times bestselling author. Described as profoundly practical, engagingly funny and downright real, her passion is to help women to live their priorities and love their lives as they serve God and others.
Raising Kids & Blending Cultures
Joel and Brittany Muddamalle
Timeless Truths
Joel serves as the Director of Theology and Ministry Products at Proverbs 31 Ministries. Brittany is navigating through multiple cultures with Joel and their three beautiful boys. They share tips for blending cultures in your family!
Raising Confident Girls
Lynn Cowell
Wise Women 
Wiser Daughters
Lynn Cowell is a national conference speaker who is passionate about helping women of all ages understand the importance of Christ confidence. She is the author of several books and
Day 12
Tuesday   -   Sept. 26
Women, Mentorship, Priorities & Faith
Diane Paddison
Diane is an acclaimed businesswoman and mother. She offers advice on woman to woman mentorship and a profile for a good mentor. She also gives insight on the work-life balance and the importance of prioritization for men and women alike. 
When The Best Defense Is A Good Offense
Dr. Jeff Myers Summit Ministries
Dr. Jeff brings his expertise on forming biblical worldview. He employs an analogy of viruses and DNA to highlight the importance of biblical worldviews in the midst of the “secret battle of ideas.”
Finding Your Teen's Potential Today

Mark & Ann Timm
Ziglar Family & Keeper of the Home
As CEO of Ziglar Family, Mark passionately shares the Ziglar principles that have worked so well for his family to empower millions families around the world. Ann leads a blog that is one of the most popular sites on naturally healthy living: Keeper of the Home. She also works alongside Mark as co-host of the Ziglar Family Thrive Community. 
Parenting Through Honesty & Discussion
Mandy Arioto
As the President and CEO of MOPS, Mandy shares from her own experience raising teens about the importance of conversation in raising wise, savvy teens and the necessity of parents having great community. 
Day 13
Wednesday   -   Sept. 27
The #1 Issue For Teens & the #1 Tip for Parents

Dr. Les Parrott
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
As a #1 New York Times best-selling author, his books have sold over two million copies in more than two dozen languages, and include best-selling and Gold-medallion winner Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.
Understanding Co-Dependency In Marriage & Parenting
Tim and
Anne Evans
Real Life Ministries
Tim and Anne have been married over forty years, and have counseled couples for decades. They are ordained ministers, parents, grandparents, spiritual parents, authors, and pastoral counselors. They both have Master and Doctor of Practical Ministry Diplomas from Wagner Leadership Institute.
No Family Is Perfect

Jill Savage
Hearts at Home
Jill is an author and speaker who is passionate about encouraging families. She is the author or co-author of twelve books. Jill is the founder of Hearts at Home, an organization that encouraged moms from 1994-2017
Day 14
Wednesday   -   Sept. 27
Life On The Edge

Dr. James Dobson
Family Talk
Dr. Dobson is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family. He has been active in governmental affairs and has advised four U.S. presidents on family matters. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (1967) in the field of child development. He holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees, and was inducted in 2008 into The National Radio Hall of Fame.
True Faith & Family Bible Study
Kimm Carr
Community Bible Study
Kimm is the Executive Director of Community Bible Study. She passionately shares about the ability of the Word of God to empower and guide parents and how parents can impart a love of the Living Word to their teens. 
How To Talk About Sex Now
Craig Gross
Craig shares how to have practical and effective conversations with your teens about pornography. He talks about developing awareness, preventing the problem from starting, and recovery after an addiction has developed.
Comparison vs. Contentment
Sandra Stanley
North Point Ministries
Sandra Stanley is a mom of three grown children and the wife of Andy Stanley, founder of North Point Ministries. She’s a foster mom with a passion for promoting foster care in the local church. She’s an organizing ace, a health nut, and a wannabe gardener with a brownish thumb.
Wednesday - Sept. 27 - Catch-up Day
Sept. 28
Beauty, Porn, Identity, & Cutting
Not Set
Jessie Minassian is a popular blogger, speaker, and the author of a handful of books. about beauty, purity, and identity.
10:00 AM - EST
Unified Not Uniform
Not Set
LA native, Propaganda is a poet, political activist, husband, father, academic, & emcee. He is a spoken-word artist at Humble Beast.  
10:00 AM - EST
Sexuality in the Next Generation
Not Set
Dr. Slattery is a clinical psychologist and the co-founder of Authentic Intimacy, a ministry reclaiming God's design for sexuality.
10:00 AM - EST
Parenting the Love Languages
Not Set
Gary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the The 5 Love Languages® series. He travels the world presenting seminars on family, and relationships,
10:00 AM - EST
Sept. 29
Beauty, Porn, Identity, & Cutting
Not Set
Jessie Minassian is a popular blogger, speaker, and the author of a handful of books. about beauty, purity, and identity.
10:00 AM - EST
Unified Not Uniform
Not Set
LA native, Propaganda is a poet, political activist, husband, father, academic, & emcee. He is a spoken-word artist at Humble Beast.  
10:00 AM - EST
Sexuality in the Next Generation
Not Set
Dr. Slattery is a clinical psychologist and the co-founder of Authentic Intimacy, a ministry reclaiming God's design for sexuality.
10:00 AM - EST
Parenting the Love Languages
Not Set
Gary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the The 5 Love Languages® series. He travels the world presenting seminars on family, and relationships,
10:00 AM - EST
Day 15
Thursday   -   Sept. 28
Closing Presentation with Axis
David Eaton
David Eaton explains the goodness of the Parenting Teens Summit. You are going to watch this one!
What You Get to Be Part of
Learn from Experts
Low Cost
We've selected experts who can speak into as many areas of discipling the next generation as possible. Learn directly from people who’ve done what you want to do: Be a great parent and spiritual leader.
Most conferences cost thousands to attend. Because we know how powerful this event is going to be, we're giving you free access, as well as an amazing price on all the downloadable resources!
Video Interviews
Parent Network
We've spent months finding and interviewing the best speakers covering as many topics as possible. The goal for each interview is to provide you with practical and specific advice to better disciple your teens into lifelong faith.
Be a part of a unique community of parents who want to become more connected and influential in their teenagers' lives. This is a one-of-a-kind event, and we hope you'll interact with the speakers, their content, and other parents and influencers.
What You Get to Be Part Of
Learn from Experts
We've selected experts who can speak into as many areas of discipling the next generation as possible. Learn directly from people who’ve done what you want to do: Be a great parent and spiritual leader.
Low Cost
Most conferences cost thousands to attend. Because we know how powerful this event is going to be, we're giving you free access, as well as an amazing price on all the downloadable resources!
Video Interviews
We've spent months finding and interviewing the best speakers covering as many topics as possible. The goal for each interview is to provide you with practical and specific advice to better disciple your teens into lifelong faith.
Parent Network
Be a part of a unique community of parents who want to become more connected and influential in their teenagers' lives. This is a one-of-a-kind event, and we hope you'll interact with the speakers, their content, and other parents and influencers.
How the Summit Works
Multiple Topics
Pick and choose which interviews you want to watch. We cover almost every topic a parent might face: Relationship with spouse, Gossip, Identity, Pornography, Race, Screens, and MORE!
Works with your Schedule
Interviews are released every day and stay available for 72 hours so you don't have to take any vacation days to attend (but we understand if you do).
Watch from Home
Enjoy the videos wherever you are! You can watch on a desktop or laptop computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Have more questions? Head to our FAQ page →
Features & Pricing
With a free ticket, you get access to 50 interviews as they release. You will have 72 hours to watch each one before it is taken down. With a Lifetime Pass, you will have access to all the sessions immediately and forever
Lifetime Pass
One time payment
5o interviews

Lifetime access

audio and video 

Summit parent network
Corresponding talk guides

Parenting Teens Summit: Hope eBook

Free Axis resources (valued at $9,000)
Free Online Attendance
5o interviews

72 hour access

Summit parent network
Meet Your Team
Axis - Your Summit Host
Our young staff interviewed the experts, gleaning from their wisdom and experience while keeping the focus on building the faith of the next generation.
Meet your team
Our young staff interviewed the experts, gleaning from their wisdom and experience while keeping the focus on building the faith of the next generation. 
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