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Day 5 | Live December 19th - 22nd 
Craig Groeschel
 Raising Biblically Based World Changers
We live in a pivotal moment, and our teens are ready to make a difference in their world. What do they need from their parents, and how can parents encourage them to be the person God is calling them to be? Craig is a seasoned thought leader and parent who offers some insight into these questions. He talks about the need to manage social media and reinforce their God-given identity by graciously guiding kids to the truth and not being afraid of failure.

David and Kelli Pritchard
Public School: How You Can Win Together
David and Kelli are parents to 11 children, so they are seasoned professionals when it comes to parenting children who attend public school. They demonstrate that you don’t have to just send your kids to public school, but instead can go in together. The Pritchards offer encouragement on how to help your kids to stand on their own, no matter where they are educated.

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and get access to all 4 bonuses! 

Regular price $179 + Bonuses $126 
Bill Henson
Loving LGBT+ Well
Bill has a heart to see people be restored through faith in Jesus Christ, no matter what sin is damaging them. Responding to teens struggling with LGBT+ issues can be a very difficult experience to navigate through. Bill offers a well-thought-out, biblical approach to restoring people who are struggling with issues of sexuality by finding a balance of grace and truth.

Wynter Pitts
Finding Christ’s Vision for Yourself and Your Family
Throughout her career and family life, Wynter has learned to serve God through all of the joys and tribulations that life brings. Her passion is to share the lessons God has taught her through writing, speaking, and various ministries. She has helped young women learn what it means to be valuable in the way that God sees them and how they can serve Him in all they do. 

Jill Savage
Curing the "Perfection Infection" In Your Parenting
Striving for perfection in parenting seems like a good thing, but it can actually create more problems than it solves. Jill calls this the “Perfection Infection” and delivers an antidote of compassion, love, acceptance, and perception to us so we can be free to embrace relationship with our kids. She takes a counter-intuitive and highly valuable approach to parenting from a place of imperfection as she shares her experiences, insight, and heart for serving families.
Purchase Today 
to watch anytime, anywhere 
and get access to all 4 bonuses! 

Regular price $179 + Bonuses $126 
to the Parenting Teens Summit: Hope
Axis Ebook: How To Talk With Your Kids About Pop Culture ($12 Value)
Axis Virtual: Gender Digital Family Conversation Kit 
($17 Value)
Downloadable Audio and Video Versions of All Summit Sessions ($97 Value)
Action Guides: Written Summaries of All Sessions 
($35 Value)