Practical Conversations for Building Lifelong Faith |
Porn, Gossip, Gender, and Life
Axis builds lifelong faith by giving parents the power to translate faith and culture with their teenagers one conversation at a time. David has been the CEO of Axis since it's inception 10 years ago. As co-founder of Axis, David is always looking for ways to serve parents better as they seek to connect more with their teens. One of our goals as an organization is to stay perpetually young so we can always best serve the next generation. This is where our youthful and energetic speaking teams and virtual summit interviewers come in.
A Comprehensive Online Training for Parents and Their Teens on Gender, Life, Gossip, Evangelism, Leadership, Pornography, Prayer, and The Bible
(Over 16 Hours of Amazing Content)
NOTE: This special price license is for groups of 12 or less (intended for families and small groups). To learn more about prices for larger group licenses for churches and schools please visit: